What is AI?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions as humans do, such as perceiving, learning, reasoning and solving problems. The benchmark for AI is the human level concerning in teams of reasoning, speech, and vision.

Introduction to AI Levels:

Narrow AI: A artificial intelligence is said to be narrow when the machine can perform a specific task better than a human. The current research of AI is here now.

General AI: An artificial intelligence reaches the general state when it can perform any intellectual task with the same accuracy level as a human would.

Strong AI: An AI is strong when it can beat humans in many tasks.

Structure of Artificial Intelligence Model:

Artificial intelligence model can be divided into three subfields:
A. Artificial intelligence
B. Machine learning
C. Deep learning

Where is AI used?

AI has broad applications-

1.Artificial intelligence is used to reduce or avoid the repetitive task. For instance, AI can repeat a task continuously, without fatigue. In fact, AI never rests, and it is indifferent to the task to carry out

2.Artificial intelligence improves an existing product. Before the age of machine learning, core products were building upon hard-code rule. Firms introduced artificial intelligence to enhance the functionality of the product rather than starting from scratch to design new products. 

You can think of a Facebook image. A few years ago, you had to tag your friends manually. Nowadays, with the help of AI, Facebook gives you a friend’s recommendation.


ReferencesArtificial intelligence (AI) - Azure Architecture Center | Microsoft Docs ,

                       Modern App Development - Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (

Images: Google(HOW FAR CAN AI ENTER THE BUILDING SITE? Difference between AI, ML and DL.)



  1. Was always interested in AI! Great efforts for putting it up in 5 minute read format!

  2. Quite interesting!

  3. This is a brilliant idea! Loved it, looking forward to more posts:)

  4. Never expected that such a huge concept can be explained so easily !

  5. Now I am definitely gonna take up some AI courses!


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