What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is defined as storing and accessing of data and computing services over the internet. It doesn’t store any data on your personal computer. It is the on-demand availability of computer services like servers, data storage, networking, databases, etc. The main purpose of cloud computing is to give access to data centers to many users. Users can also access data from a remote server.

Examples of Cloud Computing Services:
AWS, Azure, Google Cloud.

Let’s discover Cloud Computing basics with an example –

Whenever you travel through a bus or train, you take a ticket for your destination and hold back to your seat till you reach your destination. Likewise other passengers also takes ticket and travel in the same bus with you and it hardly bothers you where they go. When your stop comes you get off the bus thanking the driver. Cloud computing is just like that bus, carrying data and information for different users and allows to use its service with minimal cost.

Why the Name Cloud?

The term 'Cloud' came from a network design that was used by network engineers to represent the location of various network devices and their inter-connection. The shape of this network design was like a cloud.

Why Cloud Computing? 

With increase in computer and Mobile user’s, data storage has become a priority in all fields. Large and small scale businesses today thrive on their data & they spend a huge amount of money to maintain this data. It requires a strong IT support and a storage hub. Not all businesses can afford high cost of in-house IT infrastructure and back up support services. For them, Cloud Computing is a cheaper solution. Its efficiency in storing data, computation and less maintenance cost has succeeded to attract even bigger businesses as well.

Benefits of Cloud Computing: 

The potential for cost saving is the major reason of cloud services adoption by many organizations. Cloud computing gives the freedom to use services as per the requirement and pay only for what you use. Due to cloud computing it has become possible to run IT operations as a outsourced unit without much in-house resources.

Following are the benefits of cloud computing:

1. Lower IT infrastructure and computer costs for users
2. Improved performance
3. Fewer Maintenance issues
4. Instant software updates
5. Improved compatibility between Operating systems.


ReferencesFoundations of cloud computing for developers - Learn | Microsoft Docs ,
                     Cloud Concepts (
Images: Google(Cloud computing – The future of the IndiaPublisher ,
              Cloud computing/networks and services)


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